Yunus Nadi 2005, Research in Social Sciences Prize

awarded to the book "Anadolu'dan Yeni Dunya'ya"

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23.06.2005 Article published in "Cumhuriyet" newspaper in Turkish only

Yunus Nadi 2008, Research in Social Sciences Prize

awarded to the book "Saray'in ve Cumhuriyet'in Discibasisi Sami Gunzberg"

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The Society to Protect the Poor, Culture Prize 2008

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The Alberto Benveniste 2009 Research Prize

The Alberto Benveniste 2009 Research prize  by the Alberto Benveniste Center for Sephardic Studies and Culture (Paris) for his works on the history of the Jews of Turkey

26.01.2009 Article published in "Hurriyet" newspaper in Turkish only.

pdfAcceptance speech pronounced during the ceremony